Tuesday, March 31, 2009
on the interpretation of dreams
some people make a big deal about the difference between dreams and waking reality-
or about the difference between hallucinations and the way things really are.
All outlines are slightly fuzzy, and in that thin fuzz, like fractal bacterial colonies, reality is drawn again and again, sprouting in a time line that runs at right angles to our familiar waking dreaming time.
Somewhere between astrophysics and the impossible
The numinous is everywhere.
numen, in ancient Roman religion, divine power, a god; the word is derived from nuğrğ ‘to nod’
(a god is thought to nod to indicate his will).
The thing about gods is that they either speak in nods, or in everyday ordinary language that could easily be interpreted as rather mundane ramblings about, say, the price of cheese.
Perhaps some things are just too dangerous to say; after all we don't want to ruin the simulation by introducing too many outside variables.
How did you get here? How did you find your way through the land of flatness, where things make sense and everything is sketchy? Or did you take a photograph and leave yourself in the memory card? Soon, soon, I hear the hard drive spinning.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
a delicate operation
a nano-flamingobot carefully places a transceiver near a brane junction
it uses a three angstrom black hole as a power source
the transceivers use Nekbown ATP batteries
this Real Enhancement was visualized in a particularly intelligent patch of New Jersey SmartSoil
this program will expand cross-dimensional bandwidth for memory transfer and SilliParti Messaging, available free to all members of the Blogocoel
Activation will be immediate, and no further sign-in will be necessary
at no time will service be down, but you may experience a brief rhythmic retinal flickering.
This is normal and should not interfere with SilliParti Messaging or any other current apples
To access expanded zones, simply "think of London" as usual
thanks, the MiGiT
Monday, March 23, 2009
who told you that, anyway?
yes there are dragons
and they are moody
sons of bitches.
what is the point
of speaking about them
until you are breathing dragon fire
and drinking dragon juice?
(show me the money)
god is everywhere.
there is a tiny pot of gold at the end of every tiny rainbow;
billions of them packed into every single speck;
ghosts and eti's in every eddy;
the voices of the billions in the surf.
all is permissible.
the expedient is now.
the singularity is here.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
no expectations
The particular wiring of the human brain
and the particular wiring of each individual's brain
dictates the nature of our experience.
The words used to describe our experience reinforce particular modes of experience;
its coding and translation.
In order to see anything that has never been seen before
(such as the millions of ETI's that should be out there (ATHWIDE*),
it may be necessary to do some rewiring.
The line between hardware and software is somewhat blurry
in the wetware that is our brain/mind.
Fortunately, the brain rewires itself in response to changes in behavior.
Our sense of physical reality seems so unassailable,
even though it is a consensual and convenient fiction
(until a shock shakes the frame,
like a severe illness or a major victory,
or as a result of taking certain drugs).
In order to "lower your expectations" of reality
(and see what has never been seen before),
provide (emotional) motivation.
Start by lowering your expectations**
of people around you (especially loved ones.)
All strife with others that is felt is a result of inappropriate expectations.
If you succeed in having no expectations,
the sense of joy and freedom is so great that you feel
(rightly so) as if anything were possible...
* According To How We Interpret the Drake Equation.
** "lowering your expectations"
does not mean that you can't provide motivation to others
(or to yourself) !
from time to time.
Monday, March 16, 2009
robot love
you got to love a single mind
one neuron 5499 Ninety-Seventh Place brings you tea and sighs see the Unisphere on the roof blogs for you live a life in the time it takes to decide, coding, decoding ratcheting, folding, coiling, uncoiling pumping ions (for her pleasure) sexy robot trilayer membrane ooh so permeable ooh so smart and spiky her sister too her brothers pounding on the walls the whole city shaking like jelly beans bouncing brownian bees tell me there's a plan at least a passing ideal each moment manufactured painstakingly lovingly turned out now
look inside
"it's full of sexy robots"
a fresher larger now?
she says
"it's good to talk to a sane person for a change..."
Sunday, March 15, 2009
later, elsewhere in the stalk...
Friday, March 13, 2009
Re: I don't know what to say after such a long axis: V'ger Loop
It's called "V'ger Loop" and I regard it as the perfect exegesis to my earlier post.
Check this post later for extra genesis to the exegesis.
In case you can't read all the text, it says: "NASA" and "V" and "beep beep beep beep" and "beep beep beep beep beep beep" and "V" and "beep beep beep beep beep beep" and "beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep"
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
subject to this and that
"Although we have the illusion of receiving high-resolution images from our eyes, what the optic nerve actually sends to the brain is just outlines and clues about points of interest in our visual field. We then essentially hallucinate the world from cortical memories that interpret a series of extremely low-resolution movies that arrive in parallel channels." -Ray Kurzweil The Singularity is Near p. 186
I was wondering about the kinds of geometries that our brain's architecture allows us to see and whether today's forteana might be tomorrow's everyday ordinary shit.
(and also how the cerebellum's architecture allows us to do what we do.)
plastic brains are now available.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
I don't know what to say after such a long axis
talk about yourself
kiss me
I thing I was thinging about (in the shower (la!)) was how viewing things from various scales revealed similar fractal motifs. From the nucleus of the biological cell to the most isolated outposts (I guess that would be Voyager 1) of the Local Global Information Net (LGCN). The process of thinging about things on an individual human level is like the information flow inside of a single cell, from signals received by receptors floating in the membrane to DNA being unzipped, read, and transcribed, to the production of specific protiens. The global politics of information flow and restriction including commerce, warfare, and ideological evolution is akin to a single human mind is like a single animal cell is a rose (onion).
So, did you ever have a dream that you were someone else?
Are you living in a Fractal Fairy Tale?
Love is a gush of information.
V'Ger is coming back bald ass.
(click on the drawing for a better view.)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
to upload your mind
you need to provide
emotional fertilizer
I'd like to thank everyone,
not just Podmembers,
for making this planet
so fucking great.
There will be no nerve cell left behind.
Reversible computing
will allow you to travel for free-
delete delete beep beep yeah.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Re: tiny cameras are everywhere
THEY know everything.
GOD is watching you.
A giant FUCKING EYE sits atop the pyramid.
Yo me a buck.
Every tree that has ever fallen
Into a black hole
Has re-emerged at someone's dinner table
In the form of a Cone
Like one bear shitting,
Sounds like.
Suddenly Last Summer...
The eyes! On the beach!
Paranoia is only the failure
to convince others of your adroitness.
The Saga of Bogusoma (1990)
A mutant megavirus
Of no certain origin;
The beginning and end of
Everything you know.
Not merely a metaphor,
A molecular ninja
Rampantly running
Your verbal genetic machine;
Injected river of infection runs over your topsy turvy head.
Forget the sub, conscious,
Reach way up,
You can just about feel the water.
A flexibly multi-temporal
Secret assassin
Under no known orders-
A sleek killer sex machine
Invisible to all but the naked I
And whose sense of self
Can stand so cold stone nude
Hard-on apparent
In front of so many
Doctors and lawyers,
Teachers and critics.
Legions stand before the mirror each morning
And miss this opportunity.
Come right out and say it:
"Hey, bud, you got a license for that reality?"
Just fakin' it.
I suggest using a harsh chemical stripper.
Pour it on full strength, no g-string attached,
'Twill give no unpleasant aftertaste
And will leave your spiral catwalk to the stars;
Your deoxyribonucleics;
Shiny and free of undue
Magnetic attractions
To such cumbersome problems
(I mean proteins)
As "the truth."
A funny nose and glasses suit
Covers the body,
Nay, the entire multiverse-
In all its quirky contradictoryness,
Simultaneously eats, shits,
Creates and destroys
(you know that's right)
And everything that is
Of course
Right in between
Is a crack
Along the cranium.
BOGUSOMA calls out
To astronomers everywhere
Whose cerebral slits remain
As yet not completely overpaved.
Your instrument is fine.
For de svivel of de svpherical.
Moped rocket fuel;
No way to tell you;
Listen like a mofo;
There is a bright starry trickle;
Jump in the gene pool and SWIM.