The particular wiring of the human brain
and the particular wiring of each individual's brain
dictates the nature of our experience.
The words used to describe our experience reinforce particular modes of experience;
its coding and translation.
In order to see anything that has never been seen before
(such as the millions of ETI's that should be out there (ATHWIDE*),
it may be necessary to do some rewiring.
The line between hardware and software is somewhat blurry
in the wetware that is our brain/mind.
Fortunately, the brain rewires itself in response to changes in behavior.
Our sense of physical reality seems so unassailable,
even though it is a consensual and convenient fiction
(until a shock shakes the frame,
like a severe illness or a major victory,
or as a result of taking certain drugs).
In order to "lower your expectations" of reality
(and see what has never been seen before),
provide (emotional) motivation.
Start by lowering your expectations**
of people around you (especially loved ones.)
All strife with others that is felt is a result of inappropriate expectations.
If you succeed in having no expectations,
the sense of joy and freedom is so great that you feel
(rightly so) as if anything were possible...
* According To How We Interpret the Drake Equation.
** "lowering your expectations"
does not mean that you can't provide motivation to others
(or to yourself) !
from time to time.
Expectations are one of the main barriers to being able to run others' software on your hardware.
When a human succeeds in downgrading his/her wiring template s/he is no longer functioning as an interpreter of life’s software at the appropriate level; if enough humans jury-rig their wiring, the whole screen will start to flicker. You probably sent this alien transmission in all innocence, to give you the benefit of the doubt, metaphorically, but has it occurred to you this may be an actual alien transmission designed to destabilize earth’s consensual vision long enough for another template to be put in place!? Just asking…
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