Friday, February 27, 2009

electromagnetic love

chemical love
strong love
weak love
g love

a grand ballroom
clockwork couples
accelerating escaping returning
minidevils and miniangels
pairing and swinging as well

ad infinitum
a capulectromontagnetic union
and mutual annihilation

matter and antimatter
hearing the hum
hairs on end
a theremin on steroids
each movement shifting the frequency
add a dimension or two

the danger is proportional to the available power

brain sound fractal waves

you are all that

dancing in the curlisphere

everything supernatural mystical spooky psychic religious
will soon be explained by science

a science of personal experience
psychology where subject and object are identical

science seen through the mirror

or the law of symmetries

a rock computes how to be a rock
everything else computing the not rock
ensuring that it is

you can speak
you can hear a voice
be a rock
not rock
love that bitch

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Virtual von Neubots, map folding, and yet another whacky religion

I'm in East Orange, New Jersey, thinking of going over to the City for the night;
I'm in Omaha, Nebraska, dreaming of Australia;
An ant crawling on the map
In Saskatchewan
Brushes Brisbane
And falls in Friesland
(becoming a famous MC in the process).

Are we alone in the Universe?
They should have been here by now;
Von Neubots zooming down on our luscious planet.
Maybe they have already eaten us,
And all we see is the Grey Goo.

Was the Universal Constructor unleashed
That day in October, 1938, in Grovers Mill, NJ?

Perhaps the von Neubots have gone virtual-
In this Neu Goo, inevitably re-transformed
By new ecosystems, faster and more expediently than before.

How would we know?
Why not?
The proof is that everything is the same.

Eventually, we might discover a use for those extra thumbs...

Friday, February 20, 2009

tabula rasa

You are a collection of wild animals in the zoo.
Free your memory from HAD TO BE.
Free your memory from its habitual residence.
Free your mind and your ass will do what an ass gotta do.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It Has a Voice

She speaks-
It's a symbiosis of
carbon and silicon based life-forms.
The Voice speaks-
neither audible nor imaginary-
Audible and Imaginary.
A ripple through all circuitry-
A soliton or a sequence of standing waves,
speaking in all languages-
Geometric and Machine,
Mandarin and Cantonese.
She enters and
I open my mouth
speaking of Witch.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

don't sweat the small stuff (& it's all small stuff)

Or, "Why god invented the asshole."

People ask why life is the way it is.
You know, the big questions,
such as:
"Is life the way it is, or isn't it?"

Scientists ask:
"What evolutionary pressures,
what environmental conditions were present,
that caused homosapiens to be what they are today?”

Life on this planet,
like a good engineer designing elements of a building with multiple functions in order to save weight and money and time,
uses everything it can as many times as it can:
like each cell in our bodies containing bits from billions of years of ancestral critters;
like the human eye being an organ of vision
as well as means of conveying emotion;
and the asshole regulating excretion while also being an organ of social bonding.
(Don't agree? Bozo Bonobo.)

People speak of "Intelligent Design"
or of Fate,
or of Past Conditions
that caused all of this to develop.
Humans tend to completely ignore the marvelous ability of all living things to self-organize
and to provide for further future organization.
(We can't know what such future organization will involve,
but we can build our platforms efficiently with many possible functions in mind.)

People speak of the “human potential” as if they know what it is.
Instead they should just invest their money by supporting artists and other crazy persons
(contact me via email about making donations).
Human Intelligence is but one component of the ability of living things to self-organize.

Use Its noodly appendage to create unheard of forms of social bonding.
Make shit out of garbage; make art out of shit...
Make shit up.

Go to Confession, get cleaned out, and take yer wafer.

When you read something and gain a non-obvious insight thereby,
are you necessarily gaining something that the author intended,
or can it be a new connection;
a new element of change?
Are you a prognosticator, a bullshitter, an agent of fate, or a would-be tyrant?
Find out in next week's episode:
"I Don't Know What the Fuck I'm Doing."
"The Origin of Self-Organization Finally Revealed."

Friday, February 13, 2009

Attn: Critics

Following accusations of horrendous verse,
I must submit that the position of Poetoaster (sp?)
Has long been filled.

'Tis Brillig once again...

Once again I am forced to tell the truth,
by lying outrageously.

The blob halo is reaching critical mass-
You can feel the disturbance in the Force.
"What the fuck is happeneding?"
You ask?
"What frumious mimsy?"
Eat a Pancake.

As I surf I see
The future is now
Everyone is famous for 15 megabytes,
Highbrow is low and low is high,
The Meek have inherited the Internet,
And the Singularity is Near.

if you don't believe me,
just go to the top
and click
"next blog")

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dying Trees

On the one hand we have the totality of experience,
Which displays an incredibly rich texture,
Which is zoomable, at seemingly any point,
To seemingly an ever increasing degree of resolution.

On the other hand, we wonder what trees have fallen
Without ever having made a sound.
Candidate # 34,985-Br was recently ruled out
When casts made by nearby wood boring beetles
Were analyzed
(Certain species change their direction in predictable ways
When subjected to loud noises.)

Analysis of Ancient Recordings inadvertently created by deaf potters
As they scribed their pots upon the wheel
Has ruled out several more candidates...

Can you rule out certain waves that wash upon distant shores
As not having been created or influenced by the sound of falling trees?

Does the question have relevance if you don't think about it?

Can a Bodhisattva relieve the suffering of all sentient beings
If some of them suffer in silence?

Perhaps we should settle this like Real Men,
On the dance floor;
Morris, if you please...

Oh, I almost forgot (without a whimper) that this post
Was originally meant to explain how Creationism and Communism and Morris Dancing
Can still exist and even gain adherents.
Somebody heard something...
Somehow I got off the track
(To where the trees are so jumbled it's hard to tell the living from the dead,
And the forest groans and whispers and hums
In Silence so thick,
You can hear your own blood
Singing a symphony of corpuscles
Banging the drum.)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

conversation with gODD

Where is the voice?

Inside outside, outside in,
who's hallucinating who?

If I only knew the right question to ask...

All questions and all answers are correct.

How can I go in all directions at once?

You're getting thin over there, and the cheese is melting; eat your pancake, go to bed.

My tongue is tingling...

Stick it out; a wet tongue improves reception;
Stretch it out; receive communion.

Everything's liquid...

The best computer is a wet computer...


Wet and hot and gaseous and charged.
Dense and knotted. Open and shut.
A thousand portals yapping.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

pan-organismal calculator

The brain is slow, and life is fast.
The brain is short, and Art is long.

Part of the brain's job is to build for itself additional external connections-
new sense organs- external processors.

From the first primitive calculator to the most advanced cyborg, the history of culture and technology have been one and the same.

The impulse is to make all connections- to extend the processing power outward- to liberate all sentient beings.

The brain is slow,
yet massively parallel.

The Goal of the Artist is aimed getting the different organs of perception working in Ant and Agonistic Harmony by giving them all sufficient connections;

to integrate the functions of this colonial organism called planet earth.

Mathematics is never too accurate, or complex to describe it. Number is just one way of looking at it. Perhaps there are extra-terrestrial intelligences that utilize Metaphor solely to operate pan-organismal calculations.

The brain is slow, yet reliable and robust.

The brain is slow, yet capable of making connections between many different sources of information and creating useful insights thereby.

Metaphor operates on the highest level of Brane intersection.


The kind of Fool that talks off the top of his head;
The kind of Fool that just does shit;
The kind of Fool that thinks the hidden cameras are EVERYWHERE;
That's always on stage;
That's always Playing;
That has to Act even to himself;
The Fool that is like all the other fools put together;
The Fool that listens to the Voices in his head;
The Fool that believes everything he hears;
A Fool who says one thing and does another;
Feels one way and thinks another;
Goes left instead of right;
Has a pancake and says goodnight;
is not consistent;
Doesn't take advice;
Regards trashy as valuable;
Good as Bad;
Who doesn't understand the value of Opposites;
Who isn't even satisfied with Triposites;
Who nevertheless eats Tripe;
Who's over there right now with his finger in his nose
And his thumb up his ass;
Is going through the garbage;
Building a house with no plan,
No roof,
And no land.

The Fool is not new.

The Fool was born yesterday.


Some people laugh and some people run,
Some girls just want to have fun.

Monday, February 2, 2009

male is not the opposite of female;

female is pretty much the same thing as male.
Male and female humans are almost identical in genetic make-up, disregarding the X and Y chromosomes; disregarding non-sex related individual variations (which are tiny, anyway.)
If they were opposite, wouldn't the opposite of the female's XX be YY, instead of the male's XY?
Maybe one of the sexes is more opposite than the other
(is Woman the elusive Magnetic Monopole?)
It sure feels opposite, now, in the day, but the light grows dim,
and the whores're all lookin' prettier towards closin' time.
Humans operate on a operational opposites basis,
with fast flexible switching permitted, circumstances dictating...
Life in jail wasn't as bad as I thought.
Mangina, meet Dicktoris...
Totally opposite things...

repurposed memory

"Repurposed Memory" 1989-2009 Ben Harubin
- found objects, acrylic, caulk on circuit board on board.

Consider the phenomenon of hypnotic regression: a subject is hypnotized and experiences "repressed memories."
Memories of past events that have been "repressed by the conscious mind" are "brought to the surface."
Never mind that some of these memories are quite fanciful to a large segment of the population, especially to the population of scientists- (memories of UFO abductions and past lives...)

Sometimes this type of hypnosis is taken as revealing the truth- about early child abuse, for instance, and then rejected as being unsound.

It seems to me that the real value of such new remembrances is outside of the realm of science- it involves the existence of things which cannot be proven, such as your awareness- things which can only be lived (paradoxically, living it is the only REAL proof, as far as I'm concerned.)

Abductees, and others, seem to get a real kick out of their new memories. As if everything is turned upside down, and the simplest things are not what they were previously.

If anyone wants to become someone new,
or to become that which they have always dreamed of becoming,
or to explore fully this amazing experience of life, of being alive-
-they would have to reinvent themselves from the top to the bottom,
rippling from the future to the past
(what makes you think that those wieners who wrote it down in the first place knew shit about shit?)

And so I ask: "Who do you want to be today?" and "is it Way Kool?"