Or, "Why god invented the asshole."
People ask why life is the way it is.
You know, the big questions,
such as:
"Is life the way it is, or isn't it?"
Scientists ask:
"What evolutionary pressures,
what environmental conditions were present,
that caused homosapiens to be what they are today?”
Life on this planet,
like a good engineer designing elements of a building with multiple functions in order to save weight and money and time,
uses everything it can as many times as it can:
like each cell in our bodies containing bits from billions of years of ancestral critters;
like the human eye being an organ of vision
as well as means of conveying emotion;
and the asshole regulating excretion while also being an organ of social bonding.
(Don't agree? Bozo Bonobo.)
People speak of "
Intelligent Design"
or of Fate,
or of Past Conditions
that caused all of this to develop.
Humans tend to completely ignore the marvelous ability of all living things to self-organize
and to provide for further future organization.
(We can't know what such future organization will involve,
but we can build our platforms efficiently with many possible functions in mind.)
People speak of the “human potential” as if they know what it is.
Instead they should just invest their money by supporting artists and other crazy persons
(contact me via email about making donations).
Human Intelligence is but one component of the ability of living things to self-organize.
Use Its noodly appendage to create unheard of forms of social bonding.
Make shit out of garbage; make art out of shit...
Make shit up.
Go to Confession, get cleaned out, and take yer wafer.
When you read something and gain a non-obvious insight thereby,
are you necessarily gaining something that the author intended,
or can it be a new connection;
a new element of change?
Are you a prognosticator, a bullshitter, an agent of fate, or a would-be tyrant?
Find out in next week's episode:
"I Don't Know What the Fuck I'm Doing."
"The Origin of Self-Organization Finally Revealed."