Everyone is a member of a secret society.
Each social subset of the population has unstated rules in order to distinguish itself from the rest.
This behavioral impulse arises from directives issued by the computer that resides inside the nucleus of every cell in your body, and everyone's body-
the genome computer that is life.
Each channel of information flow (in the population, as in the body) is two-way,
feeding from DNA encoded Memory out to others,
and from others back to the nucleus.
Each packet of verbal/pictorial information transferred extra-corporeally is called a Meme.
A meme can affect hormone production, for instance,
by feeding into the cerebral cortex via the eyes or ears, where instructions are sent into the nucleus to produce specific hormones.
A meme that primarily has an effect on hormone production (i.e., has emotional content) is called a Hormeme.
A rapid, viral propagation of hormemes happens when mobs form.
I'm sure there are all sorts of subtle interactions twixt individuals, moderated in part by meme transfer.
I'm sure there are all sorts of other types of information transfer that have yet to be measured.
Sidekick investigators should look into this.
I'm paying them to sit around all day and come up with stupid ideas.
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