Friday, February 27, 2009

electromagnetic love

chemical love
strong love
weak love
g love

a grand ballroom
clockwork couples
accelerating escaping returning
minidevils and miniangels
pairing and swinging as well

ad infinitum
a capulectromontagnetic union
and mutual annihilation

matter and antimatter
hearing the hum
hairs on end
a theremin on steroids
each movement shifting the frequency
add a dimension or two

the danger is proportional to the available power

brain sound fractal waves

you are all that

dancing in the curlisphere

everything supernatural mystical spooky psychic religious
will soon be explained by science

a science of personal experience
psychology where subject and object are identical

science seen through the mirror

or the law of symmetries

a rock computes how to be a rock
everything else computing the not rock
ensuring that it is

you can speak
you can hear a voice
be a rock
not rock
love that bitch

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