Monday, April 13, 2009

row yer own damn boat

(if this makes any sense to you,
perhaps you shouldn't not not have read this):)

I dreamt-
thinking that I was awake.
For a long time I thought that I was in a waking state.
Eyes half-cracked;
just one look
is all it took-
hallucinate the rest.
I just hum along.

I stopped to listen and
I wondered who the "others" were,
there in my dream
(and why they were so insistent upon telling me things
that were so resistant to implementation.

-and then I dreamed I was in a dream that never ended-
Madam H K dreaming of Kansas tornadoes-
all this talk/crosstalk/shadowtalk.

I wondered how they were able to install the cameras
without my knowledge;
how they were able to tune my brain activity,
reeling me into the Web.
I noticed that I had been seeing a lot of squirrels lately.
(stop looking at me funny!)
-but I realized that I had made myself paranoid
(but that didn't really change the current practical situation much,
except to provide a certain wry smile).

I wondered how long ago I had died
and why it was that I could not remember living.
I resisted the impulse to board the train-
(always good advice in any afterlife situation).

I thought that I must be getting ready to die soon-
I could feel a growing glowing acceptance of things done and undone;
a loving embrace of the dark mother.

I began to suspect that my entire biological pattern had been uploaded
into this strange simulation
whose physical laws could be altered at a whim.
I found myself looking for cracks;
unfinished random bits of code
lying in between things.

I calculated my odds of survival based upon purely aesthetic principles...

I realized that I could not remember when I had taken the drug-
had it been years?- or was this something similar to dream compression-
where the mental activity of a split second seems to fill an endless afternoon.
I seem to remember dropping around 1653?
(start spreading the news... the limbic's up and the batteries are down.)
Depth Charge!!

Last night I had a dream.

I slept like an alien baby.

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