Friday, April 24, 2009

during this re-evaluation period, we request your input

BLOGOCOEL is currently undergoing re-evaluation. It is possible that during this time some staff members may be let go, and/or new ones acquired. This may also include new leadership, management, production team, and/or associates. Many feel that this crisis was a direct result of the publication of the previous unfortunate post, which induced a positively horrifying feedback loop (I still can't hear a thing).

So, in order to serve you better, and to prevent any similar incidents in the future, BLOGOCOEL is taking an informal poll. Simply leave your comments- anonymously if you wish- click on "COMMENTS" at the bottom of this post (or click on the title of this post) and leave a comment.

Should we stop the blog? ...have more advertising? ...more cartoons? ...less WTF?

...more stupider, ...moar intellagent? ...more ugly shit, or only girls with big butts?

Really we probably won't do anything.

Just kidding, this is a REAL CRISIS!! Your imput will decide the fate of all UmanKind.

Friday, April 17, 2009

on the pour

spring out by the old missile silo
and the sweepers and painters
and yard eyes are
wearing hardhats
and singing
and drinking a bit

the biggest one ever

get in on the pour

eyes swivel...
more eyes swivel;
heads turn

the web increases in density

get in on the pour

they'll be pouring soon-
you want to get in on it?

liquid magic
becomes solid
within moments
a jar is born

wake me up if I get too sleepy
don't want to miss it
the biggest ever
the whole world repurposed

into everything
everything goes

eyes swivel
what was here
will now be there
and there

the quantum goes macro

get in on

Monday, April 13, 2009

row yer own damn boat

(if this makes any sense to you,
perhaps you shouldn't not not have read this):)

I dreamt-
thinking that I was awake.
For a long time I thought that I was in a waking state.
Eyes half-cracked;
just one look
is all it took-
hallucinate the rest.
I just hum along.

I stopped to listen and
I wondered who the "others" were,
there in my dream
(and why they were so insistent upon telling me things
that were so resistant to implementation.

-and then I dreamed I was in a dream that never ended-
Madam H K dreaming of Kansas tornadoes-
all this talk/crosstalk/shadowtalk.

I wondered how they were able to install the cameras
without my knowledge;
how they were able to tune my brain activity,
reeling me into the Web.
I noticed that I had been seeing a lot of squirrels lately.
(stop looking at me funny!)
-but I realized that I had made myself paranoid
(but that didn't really change the current practical situation much,
except to provide a certain wry smile).

I wondered how long ago I had died
and why it was that I could not remember living.
I resisted the impulse to board the train-
(always good advice in any afterlife situation).

I thought that I must be getting ready to die soon-
I could feel a growing glowing acceptance of things done and undone;
a loving embrace of the dark mother.

I began to suspect that my entire biological pattern had been uploaded
into this strange simulation
whose physical laws could be altered at a whim.
I found myself looking for cracks;
unfinished random bits of code
lying in between things.

I calculated my odds of survival based upon purely aesthetic principles...

I realized that I could not remember when I had taken the drug-
had it been years?- or was this something similar to dream compression-
where the mental activity of a split second seems to fill an endless afternoon.
I seem to remember dropping around 1653?
(start spreading the news... the limbic's up and the batteries are down.)
Depth Charge!!

Last night I had a dream.

I slept like an alien baby.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

image- some assembly required

inside and outside

in as few words as possible

just one fucking jungle

next scale,



and jumpee.

The Filter Ring

nano nano
fellow beings.

what happens to you
your whole life long
happens here
thousands of times
every second.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

walking in the woods

I was walking in the woods.
I neither heard nor saw trees falling or bears shitting.
I did, however, find a watch.
"God!" I thought,
"It's a vintage Swatch!
Must be worth something."
The design looked like a funky eyeball,
very creative.
"Who comes up with this shit?" I thought.

Surely not bears.
Maybe a bear God:
knocking over trees
in absolute silence;
depositing watches in the paths of postulating wankers;
Athena-like granting Darwin serendipitous skies.

Maybe just a leak in the simulation;
a gap in the circuitry
(which is like a)
a broad cloak that, once stretched impossibly to cover this lumpy homunculus,
grants its wearer invisibility

(like a knife with no handle that is so sharp that it cuts user and used and drops straight out of sight).